SFLX Lindy DJs
(in alphabetical order)
New York, NY
David Jacoby (aka "Shorty Dave") lives in New York City where he regularly DJs, dances, and frequents jazz clubs. He is the "House DJ" for Yehoodi.com's weekly dance, The Frim Fram Jam, and has also DJed
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at many national events, including multiple SFLXs Oakland Swing Dance Festivals, and other Bay Area events. David has helped introduce several great jazz musicians to the Lindy Hop community through his work with Jelly Roll Productions. David recently was an executive producer and oversaw the 15+ plus live bands at the historic Frankie's 95th Birthday Festival in NYC. (collapse)
San Francisco, CA
Hep Jen has inspired generations of lindy hoppers with her hard-swinging DJ sets. Originally from Seattle, and now living in San Francisco, Hep Jen is a regular DJ at the
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9:20 Special and at Le Colonial. Hep Jen has DJed for many Lindy Exchanges over the last decade, and national events such as the Camp Jitterbug, Camp Hollywood, and the Ultimate Lindy Hop Showdown. Jen is excited to head up our DJ crew once again for SFLX '09! (collapse)
Jeff Kroll
East Bay, CA
Jeff Kroll has been swing dancing since 1996, and while Jeff enjoys all styles of swing dancing, he has a particular fondness for Balboa-Swing and will dance it almost every chance he gets. As a DJ,
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Jeff has spinned at the Balboa Rendevous for several years running, as well many other Balboa events around the country. Jeff is a regular DJ at the Verdi Club, and he teaches & DJs at his own venue, 200 Grand. (collapse)
Jeremy Lewis
San Francisco, CA
Jeremy Lewis has been a fan of jazz and swing since his teens and started dancing in the winter of 1998. Since January 2004, he has DJed at the 9:20 Special. He has DJed for several local venues in San Francisco, as well as DJing at ALX 2000, ALX 2003, SoFLeX 2003, SFLX 2001, and SFLX 2003. He has also guest DJed on Yehoodi Radio. He was
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lucky enough to be surrounded by wonderful local DJs at the beginning of his career who turned him on to great song after great song- people like Paul and Sharon, Erik Hamilton, Marc D'Olympio, and Jesse Miner. (collapse)
San Francisco, CA
Jesse Miner is the premier swing DJ, and we are happy to claim him as one of San Francisco's own. He can be found spinning at a Lindy Hop event almost every week of
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the year. From competitions and camps on the east coast to nightclubs in his hometown of San Francisco and every hop spot in between, DJ Jesse shares his passion for swing across the country. He is also the creator of the "Hey Mister Jesse" podcast as well as the producer of Yehoodi Radio as well as one of the founders of SwingDJs.com (collapse)
Ken Watanabe
San Francisco, CA
Ken is the head organizer, DJ, and co-founder of San Francisco's world-famous Lindy in the Park. Since 1996, Ken has DJed for crowds of Lindy Hoppers in Golden Gate Park EVERY Sunday. 12 years later,
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Lindy in the Park is running stronger than ever. Ken is also one of the original Lindy Hoppers who traveled around the country to Lindy Exchanges when Lindy Exchanges were a new thing. (collapse)
Kristin Buxton
Pasadena, CA
Kristin started DJing in Portland in 2001. Besides DJing many events there, and running a weekly event, she travelled to DJ at exchanges in Denver, San Francisco, San Diego, Chicago, Seattle, and Vancouver. She currently lives in
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Pasadena and regularly DJs at LindyGroove as well as other lindy and blues events around LA. (collapse)
Michael Terkowski
San Francisco, CA
Michael has been spinning the wheels of steel since 2005. He likes music that screams rhythm and energy, and always hopes to get the dancers on the floor as excited as he is.
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Michael has DJed at the hottest spots around the world, including Herrang, Camp Jitterbug, Beantown Dance Camp, Goodnight Sweetheart, SFLX, and many others. In San Francisco he DJs at Cat's Corner, Verdi Club, Swing Central, Rhythm Lounge, Friday Night Blues and guest apperances at local special events. Though Lindy Hop is his first love, Michael is also a dancer with Funk4Soul Hip Hop dance company, and an aspiring Jazz & Ballet student. (collapse)
Naomi Walenta
San Francisco, CA
Naomi is one of the regular DJs at Lindy in the Park in San Francisco. She spins every Sunday at Lindy in the Park, and can also be heard DJing at the 9:20 Special and Swing Central. Naomi has also served as the Board President of the Northern California Lindy Society.
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Rayned Wiles
Washington, D.C.
Rayned Wiles is one of the East Coast's most popular DJs with a busy schedule. He is a nationally-known DJ with extensive experience working conventions, dance camps, and national competitions. He has
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worked at Swing clubs throughout the country. He DJs a weekly Wednesday dance at K2 in the Washington DC area. "I think the point of djing is to ensure that everyone is having a great time through music. My music of choice is swing jazz blues. I like Fats Waller's view that swing is "two-thirds rhythm and one-third soul." And Carmen McRae's reminder that "Blues is to jazz what yeast is to bread-without it, it's flat."
Roy Rydbeck
San Francisco
Roy Rydbeck has been dancing Lindy Hop for 9 years and DJing for 7 years. Roy currently DJs at various Lindy Hop and Blues Dancing in San Francisco including Blues Rising, Friday Night Blues, 9:20
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Special, Swing Central, and Savannah Jazz. Roy has also DJed at local venues when he lived in Chicago (2000-2005) and Tampa (1999-2000). Roy has DJed at many national exchanges and events in cities including; Chicago, Cleveland, New Orleans, San Francisco, Moscow, South Florida, Tampa, Los Angeles, St. Louis, Minnesota, and New York. (collapse)