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Vote Non-representation
Web Extravaganza Dave's Web Extravaganza
Danger danger? Danger is my middle name
Section 1 Dave Ljung Madison FAQ
Section 2 Dave Ljung Madison FAQ
Section 3 Dave Ljung Madison FAQ
Section 4 Dave Ljung Madison FAQ
Section 5 Dave Ljung Madison FAQ
Section 6 Dave Ljung Madison FAQ
Section 7 Dave Ljung Madison FAQ
Short Dave Ljung Madison FAQ
Bay-Area-CBT Bay Area CBT
Bugs Breaking Stuff
Cal.vcs Evolution/calendar/vcs bug 1
Hasbro Monopoly iPhone Hasbro Monopoly for the iPhone
Motorola-RAZR-V3i Motorola RAZR V3i Review / Complaint List
Nokia 8260.1 Nokia 8260 bug 1
OSX.1 OSX 10.3 bug 1
OSX.2 OSX 10.3 bug 2
OSX.3 OSX 10.4 bug 3
Siemens S55.1 Siemens S55 bug 1
acroread.1 acroread Bug 1
activestate-perl.1 ActiveState Perl Bug 1 - "-d `:" crash
as.1 as20 bug 1
as.2 as20 bug 1
as.3 as20 bug 1
bayesian.1 Bayesian Filters bug 1
blippo.1 blippo-heavy kerning bug 1
cpp.ansi cpp bug 1
debussy.1 debussy bug 1
debussy.2 debussy bug 2
debussy.3 debussy bug 3
debussy.4 debussy bug 4
debussy.5 debussy bug 5
ebay.1 ebay bug 1
ebay.2.NOPE ebay bug 2 - not quoted-printable in saved search mailing
elm.1 elm Bug 1
enlightenment.1 enlightenment bug 1
enlightenment.2 enlightenment bug 2
eperl ePerl bug
esp.1 esp bug 1
esp.10 esp bug 10
esp.11 esp bug 11
esp.2 esp bug 2
esp.3 esp bug 3
esp.4 esp bug 4
esp.5 esp bug 5
esp.6 esp bug 6
esp.7 esp bug 7
esp.8 esp bug 8
esp.9 esp bug 9
facebook.1 Facebook Confused About Blocking Content, and a Hack Besides
finsim.1 finsim bug? 1
finsim.2 finsim bug 2
freebsd freeBSD bug
google-drive.1 Google Drive
google-keep.1 Google Keep
google-maps.1 Google Maps
gphoto.1 gphoto bug 1
gtk.cdcover.1 gtk/CDcover bug 1
hotmail.1 hotmail sucks bug 1
internet explorer.1 internet explorer bug 1
internet explorer.2 internet explorer bug 2
ld ld bug 1
modelsim.1 Modelsim Bug 1
modelsim.2 Modelsim Bug 2
modelsim.3 Modelsim Bug 3
mozilla.1 mozilla bug 1
mozilla.2 mozilla bug 2
ogg.1 ogg bug 1
opera.1 opera bug 1
perl-getopt.1 Perl Getopt::Long
perl.1 Perl Bug 1 - ~negating strings
perl.10 Perl Bug 10 - syntax error causes segfault
perl.11 Perl Bug 11 - push returning total number elements instead of number new elements
perl.12 Perl Bug 12 - "in memory" files don't call STORE method when tied
perl.13 Perl Bug 13 - panic: top_env from embedded perl using 'do' with unused XS calls
perl.14 Perl Bug 14 - setting $0 in embedded eval_pv causes segfault
perl.15 Perl Bug 15 - division by zero in short circuit expr is still triggered
perl.16 Perl Bug 16 - IO::Select can_read() without timeout hangs whereas can_read(<timeout>) works
perl.2 perl bug 2 - blessed object lost in anon sub from 'C' call
perl.3 Perl Bug 3 - PL_origfilename not updated properly in error messages
perl.4 perl bug 4 - perlcall(1) examples don't work with perl 5.6.0 with threads
perl.5 Perl Bug 5 - my $var = val if (..) doesn't work properly