Registration is closed!
Thanks to everyone for such a great response - we've got over 500 people registered! We may have some tickets still available at the door, check back with the website for details in a week.Volunteering:
We will have some volunteering positions available that will reimburse people for the cost of registration. If you are interested in a volunteering position and have already registered, then contact us to be put on the volunteer list. If you are absolutely unable to pay for the event in advance, please contact us about making other arrangements. Volunteer positions will generally be given to pre-paid volunteers first.Payment Questions:
Q: I want to pay by check!A: contact the organizers to get the mailing address. Q: I need to update my registration information!
A: Send us an email and we'll point you in the right direction. Q: I registered earlier but haven't paid yet - how do I finish my registration?
A: If it's paypal, then just send the appropriate amount for the current date to the email address that you would get if you added this domain after "payments08@". If your paypal email address is different then your registration email, please note this in the payment.
Otherwise, contact us for other payments.