Your registration packet will include directions, but if you'd like to print them out beforehand, here is a doc
Grand Ballroom
(@ The Regency Center)1290 Sutter Street
Saturday evening
Not only does this room have over 6000 sq ft of dance space, it's one of the nicest ballrooms in the city.

Sutter Room
(@ The Regency Center)1290 Sutter Street
Friday evening and Fri/Sat late night
With almost 9000 sq ft in two beautiful rooms, we'll switch to having Lindy and Blues playing as the night continues on.

Justin Herman Plaza
1 Market StSaturday Afternoon
Justin Herman Plaza is located at the foot of Market Street at the Embarcadero, just behind the Hyatt Regency Hotel. It is just across the street from the Ferry Building. You can take BART or Muni to the Embarcadero Station. Taking public transit is an excellent idea, because parking may be difficult. If you must drive, there are parking garages at Embarcadero Center, and at various locations South of Market.

Lindy In The Park
John F Kennedy Drive between 8th & 9th AveSunday Afternoon
The world renowned Lindy in the Park has been packed strong with dancers every Sunday for over ten years now. We'll make this one of the best LitP yet!